Monday, July 2, 2007

Expertise is coming...

Hi all

I have been busy finding people who can help us learn... check them out more through their links...

Lisa Phillip-Harbutt, Director of Community Arts Network SA. Lisa will speak to us at our July meeting about community storytelling processes.

Luku, an animator/artist whodoes some work for Carclew and freelances. Luku will bring some animation characters to the July meeting for us to see how we could use them to build 'avatars' and personalise the stories.

Coming to the August meeting (to be confirmed) will be Sonja Vivienne, an independant fimmaker who has worked with lots of communities to help them tell their stories. Sonja can help us scope and get processes right.


Marlene Manto said...

A simple 'avatar maker' is Voki...check it out at:

Nicci said...

Thanks Marlene

we have played with this, thanks for the link

cheers, Nicci

Kate's PhotoStory - the journey so far!

Johns voki avatar

Lesj's avatar

Get a Voki now!

Niccis voki avatar