We began with a discussion about how this project will impact on our work - and how we feel about the project.
Some of the points made are:
- we wonder how the teminology affects workers, and how they will respond to our request
- a good knowledge of the language and terminology allows us to interact and join in
- it would be good to write up a process so that we can all access the technology
- we've learnt what we needed at a particular time/purpose but that can be quite a narrow use of the technology that is available.
- we already feel somewhat overwhelmed by our current use of technology - how many things do we have to check just to see if someone is trying to contact us?
- this project will enable us to learn new skills and relate it to parts of our work, such as
- gathering stories;
- recording our personal stories;
- as a therapeutic strand
- as a safe space to tell stories
- we hope to build a library of stories - but wonder how that will be moderated
With our project we hope to allow community to articulate their story, and the technology allows them to reflect at the same time they are developing the story. It allows an outside perspective
We need to develop processes around developing stories with groups.
This project will provide starting points and ways of exploring the story chain. Taking the bsic idea and seeing how far you can stretch it in collaborative ways.
The project could be part of identity formation in the APY lands, especially for new youth workers in the community
The project is also a personal learning journey into technology for us and for the groups we work with in rural and remote locations, who at present may only be using emails
It offers a range of ways to express oneself - and can be anonymous. We are also aware of the immense power of visuals, and wish to utilise that.
We then spoke about follow up training and providing a forum for participants to seek clarification and further discussion.
We wonder how we can use the technology as an assessment tool
We also value all the incidental learning along the way, but realise that the focus is on developing programs that enable storytelling.